Image 1- Crime Scene |
My name is Robyn Zaches and I am a freshman at University of Idaho studying microbiology. I am originally from the Greater Seattle area and graduated from Aviation High School. I am taking Social Problems because I enjoyed Sociology 101 and wanted to understand more about the issues in the society I live in. As a child I was always into experiments and figuring out how and why things happened.
In this blog, I am interested in explaining crime and families, chapters 4 and 5 in Understanding Social Problems, because I want to know how family life influences crime and how crime influences family life. I have seen and worked with a wide variety of family types, each has different issues they work through. I have also noticed that criminals have different status, especially when looking for a job. The norms of our society are not strictly followed, but lot of times criminals are treated different.
"Although social problems take many forms, they all share two important elements, an objective social condition and a subjective interpretation of that social condition." Understanding Social Problems, page 2
Image 2-Single Parents,Crime and Incarceration |